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Adjust Servings:
approx 2 lbs or 1kg Ground Beef I personally use 96% lean or grind my own
3/4 cup Ricotta Cheese I use low-fat
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese I use low-fat
2 eggs
1 small bunch (handful chopped) Fresh Parsely
3/4 cup (Fresh, plain, Italian, or with Pecorino) Bread Crumbs
Black Pepper

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These meatballs are so moist, they just melt in your mouth - no need really for pasta or a sauce. Well, let me put it this way, right out of the oven, they immediately disappear before I can even plate anything else!






For juiciest results, I personally always grind my own meat. I buy a top or bottom round, cut off all the fat and grind it fresh. It renders the meat so fluffy. Pros would say that meatballs need a lot of fat and would go for 80% beef, and usually mix with pork, I disagree here. It doesn't have to be fatty or greasy to be juicy and moist. Even store-bought lean 96% ground beef works with this recipe.


Preheat the oven and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Finely chop the parsley. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and generously season with salt and pepper. The key here is to not overmix the meat - by doing so, you will change the consistency of it. Tip - use just one hand to mix the meat. The same goes for forming the balls. Form 12 balls, but lightly - don't overpat them or make them too firm.

Line them up on the sheet and bake for approx. 15 minutes and enjoy.

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