How to Cut A Pineapple in 1 Minute
Here’s a quick way to cut a pineapple in under one minute without using a pineapple cutter – all you need is a big knife – I use a chef’s knife.
Step 1
Cut off the ends of the pineapple.
Step 2
Cut the pineapple into 4 pieces. Then slice off the hard core on each piece.
Step 3
Slice length-wise down each piece, then slice horizontally as shown in the picture.
Step 4
Slice going towards the middle of the pineapple piece. The knife blade should be between the pineapple flesh and the skin. Once your knife reaches where you already cut in the middle, the pieces will be lose and come right off. Turn around the piece of pineapple and do the same with the other side. Obviously – repeat with all 4 pieces.
Step 5
Eat and enjoy.